School News

The end of the first marking term is quickly approaching on November 7. Students, please ensure you keep up with assignments and your attendance. As a reminder, the county policy states if you have missed more than five unexcused absences, your grades will automatically be marked as an "E." To recover your absence and grades, you must meet with your administrator to discuss, create, and review an Attendance Intervention Plan to outline a recovery plan.    You can access your grades and attendance through the student and family portal.  If you have trouble accessing your student and family portal, please contact Evening High School for assistance. 

We want to share an excellent opportunity for our senior students.  Wor-Wic Community College will be onsite at Wicomico Evening High School on November 8 to inform senior students about offered programs and discuss the enrollment process.  Additionally, Wor-Wic will return on January 16 to assist students and families with applications and the 2023-2024 FAFSA application. For more information and details about this event, Click Here